Tan&Dem Adventures 06: Anniversary Ride

There is one place Hubby has always wanted me to see, but it was a torturous uphill climb by bike. Double the torture if we were to use the tandem bike. So, he HAD to choose that particular ride to be what we would do during our anniversary. I think it was payback for my […]

Tan&Dem Adventures 05: Cemetery Ride

What a morbid title, right? But I couldn’t think of an apt one, because for our next ride, that was exactly what we did: ride to the cemeteries where our respective parents are laid to rest, so we could visit and pay our respects. Our first stop was Himlayang Pilipino to visit Mommy, Daddy and […]

Tan&Dem Adventures 04: Rizal Ride

After our successful rides to Taguig and Manila, Hubby said it was time we try to go to Antipolo and then through Teresa and other Rizal locations. I said, “Sure!” Full disclosure:  While I have started to enjoy biking, I was terrified to go on a longer ride that would require a lot of uphill-downhill […]

Tan&Dem Adventures 03: Manila Ride

I’ve done several tours of Manila, but never on a real bike ride. In late 2019, our regional team in our company did a biking tour of Intramuros and I was one of two who didn’t know how to ride a bike, so we rode in a side car. So for our first long tandem […]

Tan&Dem Adventures 02: First Ride – Taguig

Before we embarked on our first ride outside the subdivision, we went for a practice ride inside. I learned how to get on the bike and how to pedal in tandem with Hubby. I learned how NOT to panic because I couldn’t really see where we were going—I could only see Hubby’s back. I learned […]

Tan&Dem Adventures 01: The Making of Tanny & Demi

Confession: I don’t know how to ride a bike. No one taught me when I was young and I never had the inclination to learn when I got older. So when my hubby suggested that we get a tandem bike so we could ride together, a part of me went “Yay!” and a part of […]