Welcome to My Writing Journey

07 January 2018

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Welcome to my author website and blog! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Yeyet Soriano, and I am a multi-genre author, specializing in speculative fiction, crime fiction and contemporary romance. I am a late bloomer, not in writing as I had been writing for most of my life, but in releasing what I’ve written. […]

Welcome to my author website and blog!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Yeyet Soriano, and I am a multi-genre author, specializing in speculative fiction, crime fiction and contemporary romance. I am a late bloomer, not in writing as I had been writing for most of my life, but in releasing what I’ve written. I only started around three years ago, and I was already in my forties! But as the saying goes, better late than never.

I am, for the most part, independently published, and although a part of me would still want to see my stand-alone books in a traditional bookstore, I have found that independent publishing accords me a lot of freedom and flexibility on the content I can release.

The first book I released was Turning Points in mid-2015, and like any first novel, it had a lot of things in it. It has parallel realities, time travel, switching lives, family drama, children’s stories, romance, heartbreak, loss, and in the end, realizing what matters most. I wrote it as part of the #JustWritePH writing workshop held by Liana Bautista. It is long at 80+ thousand words, and it contained much of what I had wanted to write for the longest time. It is a long read, and maybe some would give up mid-way, but those who finished were mostly positive about it. This was a novel I needed to write, to make space for the other stories that would come later.



I released my second book in late-2015. In My Dreams was written as part of the #StrangeLit writing workshop led by Mina V. Esguerra, and it is a young adult urban fantasy romance. It has a dark premise: a sixteen-year-old homeschooled girl who, when asleep, is able to go to a land where the dying wait to board the train to the next stage of their lives, who meets a nineteen-year-old boy who can transfer death from one person to another. It is a love story though, and I loved writing it since I was able to get my then sixteen-year old daughter as resource person.




In early 2016, I released my third book, The Retreat. It was written as part of the #HeistClub crime fiction writing workshop led by Mina V. Esguerra. It is the story of four authors who go to a mysterious writers’ retreat in an undisclosed location to finish their manuscripts for a publishing deal of a lifetime.




In late 2016, I released my fourth book, Kate, Finally. And finally (no pun intended), I embraced and wrote pure romance following the #romanceclass writing rules. It was difficult at first and maybe a bit of my dark side still seeped into the story, but this book is the first story I’ve ever written that had a clear happily ever after for the main character and her love interest. Writing this book opened the floodgates—behind the darkness, I am a romantic at heart!


I also contributed to a number of anthologies, some traditionally published, others independently published.


  • He Loves Me . . . Not was written in answer to a call for submission by Buku Fixi Novo, a publisher based in Malaysia. The story was accepted and included in Heat, a Southeast Asian anthology, released in 2016. The printed book is available in bookstores in Malaysia and the UK!
  • Fairy Queen-in-Waiting was written in answer to a call for submission from Talecraft for their Master Story Creators’ Anthology for Fantasy.
  • Buddy System was written in answer to a call for submission from the #romanceclass group for a Summer Anthology. The Summer Feels anthology was the brainchild of editor and author Kate Sebastian.
  • Life’s Tricks and Treats was written for the 12 Months of Romance 24 Reasons to Love anthology spearheaded by Ysa Arcangel.

So, three years writing and releasing, and I am proud of my output thus far. But there’s more, a lot more coming.

New updates for 2018 and beyond will be posted separately.

Again, thank you for visiting my author website and blog and happy reading!